Scientific Interests The herpetology is the branch of
zoology concerned with the study of amphibians and reptiles. I´m especially
interested in Madagascar´s unique herpetofauna. Madagascar
is famous for its biodiversity and its high prevalence of microendemic species,
particularly among amphibians and reptiles. Most of these are forest dwelling
and have high species-level turnover on very small geographic scales. Therefore
is especially suitable for studies on speciation and adaptive radiation,
because the species-richness and the several endemic radiations allow
statistical comparisons of evolutionary patterns, once sufficient information
is available.
Amphibians and reptiles represent ideal groups to serve as a case study to
explore differentiation patterns and dispersal processes, because of their high
species richness, with more than 245 amphibian species and more than 365
reptile species known to science and the high levels of endemism for Madagascar
(100% of the amphibians and 92% of the reptiles) with high levels of regional
microendemism within Madagascar.
New methods and techniques in evolutionary biology have increased the insight
and knowledge in the understanding what species are and little doubt remains
that a variety of modes of speciation have contributed to the origin of the
present diversity of species. But species diversification and the triggers
driving the diversification process still remain controversial and are subject
to numerous ongoing research projects.
My PhD
project provides data on distribution ranges, taxonomy, phylogeny,
phylogeography and population genetics of selected amphibian and reptile
species of Madagascar’s east coast obtained by a distinct a-priori-sampling
design along a ca. 1,000km transect along the east coast, aiming to contribute
to the understanding of the diversity and evolutionary processes that shaped
eastern Madagascar’s unique herpetofauna. The dense geographic sampling and
geo-referencing of species to document distributions of samples accurately, was
then used to address a range of phylogenetic and phylogeographic questions. The
a priori sampling design was guided by the assumptions of the analytical
methods to be used and included as another parameter in analyses to evaluate
the impact of sampling on the inferences. Based on
the results of this thesis I (1) contributed to filling several major sampling
gaps for amphibians and reptiles of Madagascar’s east coast; (2) provided
crucial information on natural history, species distributions, species
assemblages and diversity patterns; (3) proposed identification of important
regions for further research and in situ conservation activities; (4)
collected many important tissue samples and voucher specimen, which will be an
important source for future research projects; (5) discovered previously
unknown i) deep conspecific genetic lineages , ii) (yet)
unconfirmed candidate species and iii) confirmed candidate species,
leading in several cases to a formal description of new species; (6) reconstructed
and assessed phylogenetic relations among and within species that revealed
unknown genetic variation and allows the delineating of taxonomic units; (7)
increased the knowledge on past and present biogeographic patterns and
processes which have triggered speciation along Madagascar’s east coast.
Behavioural ecology of Chameleons
my studies at the University of Bielefeld
I specialized on animal behaviour and ecology. For my first State examination
thesis ("Habitat use and activity patterns of Pantherchameleons (Furcifer
pardalis) - Analysis of radiotelemtric data.") I worked at the Masoala
-Rainforest exhibit at Zurich Zoo and observed free-ranging Pantherchameleons
with the help of radio telemetry. In my thesis I discuss questions on the
behaviuoral ecology of the anmials as well as practical problems of radio
telemetry on aborical reptiles.
point of interest is the study of chameleon behaviour. Chameleons are well
known for their colourful appearance and their ability to change colours.
Although the possibility of tetra-chromatic vision is indicated, UV –
reflecting colouration patterns have not been well studied in Chameleons so
far. My study provides first data on UV– reflecting patterns of body
colouration in malagasy chameleons. Three malagasy chameleon species (Furcifer
pardalis, Furcifer lateralis and Furcifer oustaleti) were
investigated in terms of UV – reflectance in body colouration, using a
reflectance spectrophotometer. The data indicated that several body regions
reflected in the UV, i.e. within 300 – 400 nm.